Né à Montréal, ANDRÉ PERREAULT fait ses premières études au Venezuela et à Trinidad.  Dès son enfance, il est séduit autant par le monde musical que par l’art visuel.  À cette époque, il se plaît déjà à dessiner ses camarades d’école ainsi que ses héros : Roy Rogers, Elvis, Hemingway …

Auteur-compositeur il habite le monde des chansonniers et en 1973 il remporte un prix au concours national de la chanson populaire organisé par Radio-Canada.  (Titre de la chanson : « Au cœur de l’Indien »)

Deux ans plus tard, il obtient son diplôme dans les arts graphiques au Collège Ahuntsic de Montréal pour ensuite, avec l’aide de l’artiste Allan Edwards, faire ses premiers essais à l’aquarelle.  Fasciné par cet art capricieux, il s’y consacre pendant plus de vingt ans.

Le premier juin 1978, il donne son dernier concert « Hommage à Félix Leclerc » au Théâtre Métro à Vancouver.  Ainsi il abandonne la scène tout en exprimant, à sa façon, sa reconnaissance à un grand homme dont les œuvres sont et demeureront une source constante de joie et d’inspiration. 

De son atelier sur la côte du Pacifique, il œuvre à perfectionner sa technique d’aquarelliste, médium pour lequel il est alors reconnu.  Son emploi dans la restauration lui permettra également, à ses débuts, de satisfaire son goût pour l’aventure et la découverte de nouveaux horizons.  En canot, sur le pouce, à bicyclette, couchant sous la tente, il traverse le pays à maintes reprises toujours accompagné de sa caméra, de son cahier à dessin et de sa guitare; accumulant ainsi images et souvenirs pour les années à venir.

En 1994, il ressent le besoin de retourner aux sources.  Il quitte donc la côte de l’Ouest pour enfin s’installer dans la région pittoresque de Charlevoix.

Aujourd’hui, en plus de l’aquarelle, André travaille à l’acrylique.  C’est une façon de s’exprimer plus ouvertement et de pousser plus loin la transparence et la fluidité dans un médium qui se veut opaque.

Excellent coloriste, il crée des images spontanées d’une grande perspective et d’une forte énergie tout en y apportant cette technique raffinée héritée de l’aquarelle.  On peut donc découvrir dans sa dernière cuvée des émotions et masses de couleur plus intenses ainsi qu’une marque profondément personnelle.  




Through the years my choice of subjects has covered a wide range of interests:  from nature to portraiture and at times a touch of abstraction!

Today, at the autumn of my life, I tend to indulge my creative juices in a somewhat different approach, thus keeping my passion at a high level.

More recently I have been concentrating on a series of urban scenes inspired by the old character of Quebec City, and most particularly by its animation and its French joie-de-vivre!   So putting some life in the picture is essential.   It makes it more interesting, and in some funny way, it seems that people do attract people.

Portraiture is a lifelong passion that began at an early age while at school painting friends, neighbors and sometimes, even actors while watching a movie; it has become my second nature.

On the other hand, I attribute my attraction to the sea by my being a Pisces!  I am forever mesmerized by its ever-changing moods and my experience as a watercolorist helps me translate its unpredictability and transparency on paper, while on canvas it may be just the energy!

I am a joyful person free of restraints or repetitive formulas which is an incentive  to interpret life as I see and feel it!


The dimensions shown are in inches:  1 inch = 2.4cm

The artwork presented here are all originals and created with the best of materials.

Our prices vary according to size and medium and are in Canadian dollars – unframed – shipping and taxes non included:

Acrylics on canvas:  $600. to $4,500.

Watercolors: starting at $100. for miniatures - to $1,500.

These images are to be enjoyed but not to be reproduced without our consent.

Please contact us for publication, reproduction or for additional material.   email:


Although born in Montréal, A. Perreault will spend very little time there.  In fact, he completes his first years of schooling in Venezuela and Trinidad before being repatriated to Canada.

At age 20, yearning for more freedom, he embarks on a journey with $30.   in his pocket, a pack-sack, a can of beans and an unshakeable optimism.  Always on the lookout for new horizons he crosses the country numerous times: tenting, canoeing and fishing as far North as the Yukon.  At times, to be allowed longer access in some remote areas he would arm himself with a “Free-Miner’s Permit” and, in this way, absorb nature and its moods: drawing and sketching for as long as he wished.

 André’s philosophy of life is rather direct, positive, if not downright simple:  “if you can dream it – You can do it.”

An avid reader, he goes through the history of the North American Indians and saddened by the abuse inflicted on the natives, he writes a song which is chosen among the 10 best to be aired live on national television.  (Title of the song:  Au Coeur de l’Indien)   When asked which professional artist he would choose to interpret his song André answers: “No, thank you, I’ll sing it myself “.   And, so he does, guitar in hand with a 25-piece orchestra, as if it was a natural thing to do.  After graciously accepting applause and trophy, he steps down from the scene to concentrate more time on his paintings.

For over 20 years, mostly from his studio on the West Coast, he works at perfecting his art:  watercolours in pure transparency.  His choice of subjects through the years may give some idea of his wide scope of interests.  Since drawing and painting is like breathing he is constantly at his easel creating scenes from memory, or...  others he wishes may truly exist.

He also believes that a strong character plays a significant part in an artist’s career; how he feels, how he works, his individuality manifesting itself through his brushwork and composition.

André now lives in the quaint area of Charlevoix where, in addition to his watercolours, he expresses himself with acrylics on canvas with the sole purpose of conveying his positive energy and joy of live.

 A painting by Perreault can easily be identified by his generous application of paint, his subtlety and harmony of colors and hues, thus presenting us an image reflecting the ever-changing moods of time.  



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Artistes Artisans Art et culture
Artistes peintres Artistes et Artisans
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Galeries D'art et Artistes Habitation et services